Thursday, December 27, 2007

"cute" indeed

Rob saw this "whilst filling the car up with petrol." He suggests that the bear looks more grumpy than cute or cuddly, and I must agree. Maybe they mean to imply "go ahead, wake him!"


  1. put a "teddy" on that teddy and you got yourself a bear to be sold in a sex shop, don't you?

  2. No amount of quotation is going to convince me that this bear is cute.
    It looks stoned.

  3. my guess is the bear is made of asbestos and itchy insulation, and would make the perfect practical joke for my ex-girlfriend.

  4. Maybe the sign's just dirty, but to me it looks like it has tire tread on its back! Was it run over?! Bear roadkill is neither cute nor cuddly.

  5. yeesh. more like doggy bear. and clearly not that into it.
