Wednesday, February 06, 2008

our congregation "human!"

Cicely saw this in Harlem, GA. I really come out of this one thinking they are making a quite subtle argument about evolution as a slow process and the qualifications for humanity being complex. I'm not sure what they are sorry about though... (more crummy church signs here)


  1. I especially enjoy the exclamation point after "human," because it makes it sound like some sort of creationist musical featuring songs like "My Daddy Ain't No Ape" and "Grow Your Own Opposable Thumbs."

  2. Apparently their "HUMAN!" ancestor didn't pass down tact or grammatical skills. I'll stick with the reasonable theory any day.

  3. Who else sees the noticeably pronounced phallic symbol on the right side of the sign? Don’t tell me I am the only one who sees that! Somebody really should tell Pastor Mike about it.

  4. i know joey. they're awfully specific about where they come from.

  5. I assume this is an anti-pet sect.

  6. You should cross post this to the blog for Crummy Church Signs!

  7. Joel is welcome to if he wants, but if he's like me has more submissions than he knows what to do with already.

  8. No, I'm getting couple different things out of this one. First- they're claiming their ancestors were human-ish. Second- they're "apologizing" for their obvious genetic superiority to everyone outside the congregation who have apparently resulted from less-than-"human!" evolutionary processes; descendants of toadstools, for example. I don't think it's very Christian of them to go rubbing it in like that, assuming we're all great-grandchildren to apes, donkeys, and oatmeal.

  9. So these are the people what killed my ancestors!!!!

  10. movie maven almost killed me with that first comment up there. I really think HUMAN! should be a Broadway musical. Hopefully it'll get a nomination for "Grow Your Own Opposable Thumbs." Oh my, that was good!

    "I don't think it's very Christian of them to go rubbing it in like that, assuming we're all great-grandchildren to apes, donkeys, and oatmeal."
    If their HUMAN! then I'll happily claim that I'm a descendant of oatmeal.
    And I love when my favorite blogs cross paths!

  11. that should be "if their ancestors are HUMAN!" ...

  12. nah, we all came from "rats."
    Then when we became humans, we decided that we were good enough, stopped evolving, and became the grammatically incorrect peoples that we is. ;)

    I agree, the musical "Grow your own opposable thumbs" would be the best!

  13. I do have more submissions, but this one's too good to pass up. I'll borrow it...

    Thanks, Bethany

  14. I totally just noticed that it's "our ancestors 'HUMAN!'" and not "are 'HUMAN!'"

    And I LOVE the musical suggestion. I smell a Tony!!!

  15. When I read the sign, I can't help but imagine some caveman grunting the words "Our Ancestors 'Human!'" because, well, we all know that cavemen speak without verbs. (Except the more sophisticated GEICO cavemen, of course.) I enjoy the irony of the image.

  16. Their ancestors may be "human," but I think they learned their syntax from Tarzan.

  17. Wasn't Ray Charles from Harlem Georgia?

    I knew a guy who retired there. I asked him why and he told me that he moved there because it was isolated and quiet.

    I would expect Creationist morons to inhabit the place.

  18. I don't think he was insinuating that all Creationists are morons. I'm sure not all morons are creationists either. There are just plenty who feel the need to be very vocal about it, as well as the fact that they're prepared to ignore any and all science. They're the ones who get on the news.

  19. My education "thorough!"
    Sorry about yours
