Monday, September 15, 2008

fake polite and fake boxes

This from Kate's work. She notes that the same sign is re-written and posted in 4 places in the room. Evidently a number of things are included under the banner of "boxes" and they aren't asking.


  1. I also appreciate the fake politeness...gotta love it! I wonder what they are insinuating?

  2. I love this blog - I'm a borderline grammar nazi myself, and unnecessary quotes drive me crazy. It's like people use them for emphasis, rather than, oh, underlining things?

    Anyway, I get a good laugh out of this blog - keep up the good work!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I submitted this one a little while back - thanks so much for posting this! It cracked me up, and still does. Thanks so much for making me laugh every day - this blog is great!

  5. Oh come now, they were practising their calligraphy! Quotation marks look so awesome done in calligraphy ... you can't expect a sane person not to use them when they've been asked to do a sign. lol.
