Friday, July 17, 2009

"big problem"

Thomas spotted this in Greece, where you generally don't flush toilet paper. What's funny about this one is the use of "your papers" which implies people might flush their passports and visas. And "big problem" as some kind of awesome toilet-related slogan.


  1. Well, it's Greek to me. Perhaps they were just being discrete? Not wanting to throw in any four-letter words into their basic English. THen again, flushing your passport and having to explain it at the embassy could be embarrassing, resulting in a dilemma of significant proportions.....

  2. I think a heavy set guy runs around the bathroom yelling "big problem" whenever the toilet overflows. Hence the quotation marks.

  3. Nice stuff...
    thanks for sharing....

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  4. We used the picture on our blog post ( about Greek plumbing. We linked to you too! Very, very entertaining...
