Katie spotted this one at a restaurant, and survived a strange look from the cashier while taking this photo. Evidently the color may or may not really be blue. I won't even get into the confusing syntax in the rest of this sign...

same restaurant. Katie's id, however, did not get to eat for free. Neither did it earn her a free meal.
I think the establishment owner was a fan of Freud and would only serve the most hedonistic people free. Katie was obviously behaving far too politely to fit that category.
wouldn't a dated coupon already be taken out? Who would take a coupon on a date? :)
I went there yesterday and told them that the coupon has been "blue" for two months. They weren't sure what the current "color" was.
Also, someone finally replaced the K so only kids may eat free on Monday. The other side of the sign, however, says kids eat eree. Maybe I should start a flickr album just for this restaurant :)
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