Friday, September 21, 2007

("superfluous punctuation cake")

Jeff blogged about this cake on his own site (at least I assume it's his). The quotation marks, I suppose, you could explain away since the people are saying it, not the cake, but the parentheses????


Unknown said...

All that punctuation, yet it's still missing the comma...

jspencer said...

Maybe the cake is supposed to be whispering...

Anonymous said...

People used (occasionally) extraneous quote marks. I'm *so* annoyed I'm going to blog about it immediately!!!

Jeez. Big deal.

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Always wonderful to read about a fellow language lover defending our written word. Congratulations on the news write-up! I have bookmarked your page and look forward to many more blogs!

As for the cake, I can just imagine three or four people huddling around the cake asking, "Does this look right to you?"

"Nah, add some parentheses to it."

eyes_only4him said...

thats prett funny, a whole blog dedicated to this...

nice job..

I will be back, and maybe even send u some I find..


Tasty said...

"Does this look right to you?"

"Nah, add some parentheses to it."

That's nearly as good as the cake itself.

Unknown said...

LOVE this idea for a blog!

Mike Mello said...

I love it. I'll try to send you photo submissions if I see anything and will visit often. It's hits a similar nerve with me.

The Ex said...


Anonymous said...

I can actually explain this one. When you order a cake you have to write down what message you want printed on it. They write exactly what you have written on the paper including quotes and parentheses. I found that out when I ordered 100 "Science Fair" pencils!

Anonymous said...

mmmm...extra frosting!

Anonymous said...

This may sound really stiff, but you spelled parantheses wrong, I believe.

Oliverb said...

Anonymous is right. Who cares when you get more of the best part of the cake!?

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing about this is the caption below the picture. It is way over-puntuated, yet the writer is complaining about over-punctuation!?!? LOL ;}

Unknown said...

I think that decorator took the instructions a little too literally.

aevelyn said...

I was just about to make a comment on the lack of comma...guess I'm not the only one whom it bothers.

Anonymous said...

I love this...I too can't stand the excess quote marks. My favorite is my mother in law in puts your name in quotes when she writes it on a card:

Ie: Dear "Suzy"


Sundog said...

"The quotation marks, I suppose, you could explain away since the people are saying it, not the cake, but the parenthesis????"

Shouldn't that be parentheses?

Anonymous said...

I saw an article on Yahoo about your blog and thought I'd take a gander.

This is a great idea for a "blog". You "know", I think it's "fantastic"-what you're "doing".

This cake, by the way-is obnoxious. :)

bethany said...

many people pointed out the typing error in parentheses. They are not crazy, I fixed it to be correct.

Anonymous said...

"Suzy" this is one case where it's not "i before e". It's "weird" not "wierd".

allison said...

wow yeah the parentheses are a bit much.

Melanie @ This Ain't New York said...

All I can say is...

poor Amy.

SteamyKitchen said...

They got it from a Chinatown bakery.

All those punctuations are Chinglish for ("Good Riddance")

cnb said...

Perhaps the parentheses are supposed to suggest whispering.

"Love" the "site."

Anonymous said...

OK, this is just being "hopeful", but (maybe) the cake was an inside joke among people who hate unnecessary punctuation ...

bethany said...

anonymous: I guess that's possible. In my family we intentionally get cakes that say "your the best" because the decorators made a mistake once.

Anonymous said...

Hey, any excuse for a little more icing sounds good to me!