Wednesday, December 08, 2010

be "nice"

Laurel spotted this that the school that is her polling place. I guess they want students to be subtly manipulative.


Classic Steve said...

You know what they say a "nice guy" really is, ladies.

Richard said...

Is there room somewhere for a blog of unneccessary exclamation points? !!!

Classic Steve said...

Well, Richard, maybe "questionable" is better than "unnecessary" in that case. I mean, the use of exclamation points is so subjective and rarely outright necessary.

WV: inable -- Oddly enough, I wasn't able to see the WV the first time.

Buffy said...

Richard, I always like to say (quoting one of my favorite authors, Dean Koontz) that a person is allotted a finite number of exclamation points at birth. When they have used them all, it is their time to die.

toep said...

What's scary is this is obviously a K-2 classroom. What sort of indoctrination is in progress with urging to be "Nice"!!!?

Bethany. That should be a frightening prospect for some.

WV: expremig. What the drunk said he was doing when he mixed all those nearly empty bottles into a single drink concoction.

Unknown said...

after reading the clause, it is "Better" not to have quotes around nice but "always".