Saturday, April 05, 2008

"germs" if they exist...

Paul interprets this as "we don't really care what you do because this is a dicey truck stop and the whole germ thing has been blown way out of proportion."


Not quite the Bradys said...

"Please": They really have no inclination to be polite to
"Germs Spread": The nickname they've given the big, hairy, hygienically challenged guy that frequents the truck stop.
"Wash Your Hands": A direct quote from the hepatitis song on the 80's public service announcements on t.v..

I say they're all good. : )

onebadscrivener said...

The real crime here is that the urinals are much, much too close together with no divider. *shudder*

jspencer said...

It's a 3-for-1 special!

Anonymous said...

This announcement reminds of those random magnetic words you can stick on your refrigerator door to create spontaneous poetry. "Please"..."Germs Spread!"..."Wash Your Hands." Oh, the humanity.