Alex (his website isn't in english) explains, "Here's a pic from Linköping, Sweden. A local bus company, Gunilla Buss, advertises their company like this: 'Travel "comfortable" - travel by bus -'. Wonderful."
Maybe in Sweden busses are legitimately comfortable, but I doubt it.
I was an English major and I never knew Emily Dickinson was Swedish!
follow this link for more Dickinson jokes. Apparently people can't get enough. My sister got 3rd place in a poetry contest for an extended dickinson joke.
Ahm , actually it says "Travel "comfortably" by bus". It's an adverb, not an adjective... :-)
The only word I understand here is "ak!"
It has to be said that "" in wrong places is far less commonly used in swedish. but there is another big mistake around it, namely many people say situation marks instead of quotation marks. in swedish the words are quite similar, but with a big difference in meaning.
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