Tuesday, August 26, 2008

that's the royal we

somebody somewhere serves food, it may or may not be us. Thanks, Kori.


The Other Dave said...

somebody somewhere serves! food

adrienne said...

It looks like food may actually be the author or party quoted.

'We' [foods?] serve!

Unknown said...

At least the sign didn't say "food"!

Unknown said...


Michael R. said...

The "Hot Dog" looks a lot like a "Phallus" and by "Phallus" I mean "Penis Shape".

Anonymous said...

And what in heaven's name is that "burger" doing to those "fries"? *Adds this to list of places where I will never eat.

Anonymous said...

It is a self serve

Derdrom said...

Maybe it should say "food" since they serve semicircular hot dogs, flattened hamburgers, antigravity beers, and straw hats.

ettible said...

I really enjoy that the exclamation point is just hanging out willynilly in the middle of the sentence, too.

Earthseed Detroit said...

and "what" praytell is that underneath the word food? it looks like a line of garbage...

Kaveh said...

Clearly what it means is, "I sit in the back watching ESPN and 'supervising' while my wife serves food."