This one is funny because of what Scott wrote: "This is in the underground parking at my work. I have a hunch that the parking attendant posted it, without permission, for himself."
In other news, I can't figure out how to paste things from email without changing the font. Sorry for the ugly.
Typically, I first paste the text into Textpad or the URL bar of my browser, then cut and paste it into the page.
if you're on a mac, you can use textedit. paste the text in there, then format>make plain text, then paste.
if it's any consolation, the text looks normal in the RSS feeds. :)
I appreciate the attendant's original use of "lower case" quotation marks that he placed below the first unnecessary set. It brightens the day of the person who disregards the sign and parks there anyway.
who do i send a submission to? i've got a great pic
Paste it on the HTML instead of the WYSIWYG editor.
I second the pasting it in the HTML editor trick- it's what I use.
There's an add-on for Firefox called Copy as Plain Text that lets you copy formatted text from a web page and take away the formatting. Of course, if you're copying from something other than Firefox, you're out of luck. Even if you are, and you've upgraded to FF 3.0, you're also out of luck.
I think it's funny that it was even necessary to write "reserved" on a sign that already says it. Maybe he should have put quotation marks on the existing word with Wite-Out. But he probably just had the black marker.
Why am I assuming it was a "he"?
At the building where I used to work we showed up one Monday morning to find that a whole bunch of parking spots had been marked RESEVERED.
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