Friday, February 13, 2009


Audrey saw this at the hospital. I guess somebody is disgruntled about not being treated like a real employee...


Cat said...

I love the transition from upper case to lower case. Their frustration must have diminished over the time it took to write the word.

Neil Martin said...

I find this whole blog hilarious. I've seen so many examples of this and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks it's silly.

Unknown said...

I bet those "employees" work for a "legitimate businessman".

Erin said...

I think they're drawing attention to their lovely little joke. Only Emergency Medical Personnel are allowed.

acpaul said...

As someone who works in a hospital, I can say that this time, the use of quotation marks is entirely appropriate, since in hospital lingo, employee really means slave.

Anonymous said...

I "love" this blog, keep it up.

Michelle said...

Just employees and their unemployed friends who like to hang out there all the time, their dogs, and occasionally their mothers. Apart from that no one.

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Oceanside Animals said...

I second acpaul. The only thing that would be more appropriate would be if the doctors' lounge said "'Gods' Only" on the door.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the people who are asked to design banners have no clue what quotation marks are for?

Anonymous said...

Nice post ....
thanks for sharing...

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