Monday, October 19, 2009

sounds scary

I don't know what "meat service" is but it sounds either violent or sexual. Thanks, Harck.


Unknown said...

to be honest, that one should be "meat service", as it is referring to an assumed or given name to something else. I'm assuming ringing the bell would attract the attention of whoever is serving. Therefore the quotation marks are to indicate a pun or a joke, or even a quotation.

2sheds said...
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2sheds said...

Oops, bah, I wanted to edit my comment and couldn't, so I deleted it and am starting over. Here's the original link: June 8, 2008. Anyway, if there was going to be a repeat, this is this one. It's my all-time favorite post.

bethany said...

too bad the joke was funnier on the first one than it is on this one. The image is worth repeating though.