Saturday, December 26, 2009

that means you

Anthea writes: "When I saw this sign, I burst into a chorus of "Silent Night". Then I did a little investigation and discovered that a woman known to her neighbors as Carol has a habit of walking into people's houses uninvited, taking potshots at their cats, and generally making a nuisance of herself, whomever she may really be..."
Pure awesome.


toep said...

it only stands to reason that if she " has a habit of walking into people's houses uninvited, taking potshots at their cats, and generally making a nuisance of herself, " it would be well advised for her to not use her real name.

Leffe said...

What does it mean "that mean's (genetive!) you"?
A shot at an even higher laughing level?

Unknown said...

I'm actually more keen on the random apostrophe in the word "mean's." Yikes.

Unknown said...

i live for blog post's like these, "bethany". :-)