Friday, September 26, 2008

salsa or whatever

Lauren spotted this in a mexican restaurant in Concord, CA. I can't imagine what would make something so far from salsa to need quotation marks.


Anonymous said...

This is great! My sister-in-law just sent me the link to this blog. My husband and I laugh all the time at unnecessary quotation marks. There's a restaurant near our house - underneath the name it says: "Fine" home cooking! So...maybe it's not so fine?? :)

Love the blog!

ganchi said...

I think they must be talking about blood

Aariq said...

Yeah concord! I miss those taquerias, poor grammar or not.

Joel Mielke said...

That sign is really unappealing.

Christopher said...

It could be that they simply forgot that they are supposed to put foreign words in italics and not quotes.

Anonymous said...

WAIT! Who plays with salsa? Yick!

Anonymous said...

"Salsa," may be a reference to what the salsa looks like after feral children get through playing with it.

These indulged brats are the products of "adults."

Oosterwal said...

I'm guessing that "salsa" is nothing more than "ketchup" mixed with diced "peppers."

Don't ask where they got their "ketchup," you don't want to know.

Kirk said...

Peg's in Martinez has "Salsa" like that.

Also I did some chops of that sign for fun.

Unknown said...

This one seems fine. The quote marks indicate the language-shift.

Christina (BookTasty) said...

I used to live near Concord...