Wednesday, October 15, 2008

chicken sandwich

I guess, when you think about it, it is weird that we call it a hamburger when it's made out of beef. Thanks, Bobby.


Katie said...

Since I've never heard of the place, I think maybe the quotation marks should be around "famous."

Unknown said...

I misinterpreted this sign visually and though the burger had little legs. Maybe a crab cake burger. @_@

Kevin Erb said...

I've eaten at Redamak's many a time and, unnecessary quote marks notwithstanding, their burger is one of the best I've ever had. It truly is "Heaven in your mouth," as it was so eloquently put on your ham-and-beans post.

Although, if the burger made New Buffalo famous, they wouldn't have to put what state the town is in on the sign now, would they?

HorribleLicensePlates said...

who knows what's in that burger.

Simon Pennon said...

My absolute favorite prank is convincing gullible people that hamburgers were originally made by cannibals out of people in Hamburg. Try it sometime - its loads of fun.

(fyi: Hamburger is the name for someone from Hamburg, like Berliner is a person from Berlin - which is why the prank works so well)

Morgan said...

Mo, that can't possibly work. Once you mention Hamburg, surely the actual origins of the hamburger become obvious.

Holly said...

I commented on "Joe" Jackson's fruit stand before I saw this, obviously New Buffalo as well. Mmm, good burgers. New Buffalo also has one of the best beaches.

Rich said...

Redamak is people!

Ellie Green said...

Maybe a Sweeney Todd reference?