Thursday, October 25, 2007

think of a silly award

Thanks for this one, Lauren. I'm not sure what to make of "Award-Winning" maybe they won some kind of low-level award and didn't feel ok announcing it without quotation marks.


john said...

probably it was a "most improved" award... those really don't count, because they just mean you suck a little less than you used to

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Oh my goodness, your blog is so funny! I love it!

Johnny said...

Technically the "Not Crap Award" is still an award.

Eric Dunn said...

This is by far one of the funniest collection of pictures I've ever seen.

Oh, I mean...

This is "the funniest" blog I've "ever seen". Maybe I'll make it in a screen shot, do I dare be so hopeful? :D

Diane Dehler said...

Well, I'm going to link you for the pleasure of coming back with some silly photos. I am now on the "hunt" for quotations.

Anonymous said...

lol, this is an awesome idea for a blog. Good stuff.

alexander.tulett said...

"wooden spoon"

Freaksho said...

okay,im clapping.
'funny blog',man.
nicely done!

jspencer said...

They probably made up an award and gave it to themselves.

Anonymous said...

The original Jeff is right. They awarded it themselves, probably after a "competition" between all of their wines.

jspencer said...

I'm original now? Nice.

Anonymous said...

Someone help me out. I would have understood "award"-winning, or even award-"winning", but what is "award-winning?"

FUNKMAN said...

That's good material!!! It's very true; that "punctuation" is used incorrectly, all the: time?
I like this idea.

OTM said...

Is it possible the wine was actually quoting someone? They just chose not to cite who they quoted. In that case the quotation marks would be correct. Wouldn't they?

Alice said...

I thought the same as ovid t. mcbride ("great" name, by the way)--maybe someone called this wine "award-winning".

jspencer said...

But you can't just call a wine "award-winning," it actually has to win something. If I go to a restaurant and I'm like "wow, that was an award-winning burger" can they now use that in advertising?

Besides which, if I were the one who called this wine "award-winning" I'd sue them for not crediting me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh, Jeff. And the comments on this site are hilarious, too.

Stef said...

In fairness I suppose that could be a quote from someone. "It tastes crap but it's award winning. Why?" could have been changed to simply "award winning"

jspencer said...

*cough*a quote has to have a cited source*cough*

Amazing that this doesn't connect with people.

Beth said...

I think this was St. James Winery from Missouri! I have had that wine and it tastes like Kool-Aid juice gone bad...maybe that was the "Award" that was supposedly "won" Closest to spoiled kid drink??