While others have been called out for their un-lady-like behavior, I think this is the first time somebody has drawn their own nobility into question. Maybe she's clarifying that she's not, in fact, landed gentry.
In other news, I'll be travelling all day tomorrow, so don't expect updates. While I'm in MI for the holiday, I hope to keep up, but no promises.
At Wal-Mart today I saw my first unnecessary quotation marks since I started reading this blog (but I forgot my camera). I was excited.
This one made me laugh out loud. I instantly had an image of a man in drag driving the car!!
My dad was telling me he met a person in Washington D.C. this week named Johnna. Johnna had a woman's body but not a woman's face or voice. I think Johnna would definitely be classified as a "lady".
If she's in real estate, the quotes are probably because she's half-lady half-shark.
Perhaps what some might call a lady, and who, in fact, is a lady, but has identity problems?
This one made me HOOT.
We had a "lady" waiter/waitress the other day at Chili's. I could barely place my order. I was too distracted trying to figure out if she was an ugly man or...an ugly woman.
Things that make you go "huh". =)
it's pat!
just curious, i can understand scribbling out the license plate, but why the other bumper sticker? did the photographer disagree with "her" politics, or something?
I'm guessing it was scribbled out because it had a business phone number or address or website on it.
I'm actually the person that submitted this one and I had to scrible out the other one because it had the "lady"'s phone number on it.
Plus, I wanted to show off my fine MS Paint skills.
the artistry!
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